I really love my dogs. But when I wake up at 10 am because I stayed up late watching movies... I really don't feel like chasing them thru the neighborhood in my pj's. I don't know why I care, everyone is used to seeing me walk my son to the bus stop in my pj's every morning. Just today was not a day that I felt like chasing after them. I mean, come on Lucky and Linus, cant you just give your mommy a break and come back home when I want you too??? Yeah, I'm laughing too. But anyways, I love them and in my opinion, boxers are the greatest! There beautiful dogs, loyal, loving and very protective (ask my mail lady). Or ask the young African American man who was going door to door selling windows... Lucky backed him down the deck before I had a chance to do anything and growled at him. His exact words were "I guess he doesn't like dark meat?" Sorry dude, he doesn't like any stranger in his yard.
So this morning after I got them back in the house, I made breakfast and got dressed. I didn't want to do this, but I had too. I extended the electric fence from the back yard to now the front. So they have range in both parts. I really didn't want them in the front, but with summer coming who likes to be running around in the back swinging and playing and step in dog poop? My kids always step in it and I'm to lazy to pick it up as often as it needs to be done. So its in the front now and my dogs are very smart. I didn't even have to explain to them to be careful. I put there collars on them and opened the door. They knew exactly what was going on. Linus wasn't thinking and darted but lucky is older and knows better. He took his time and tested the waters. Linus obviously was the first to get bit, and lucky thought he would be smart and try to jump the wire and got it. Now they just sit on the deck looking sad. I think the cats next door know whats going on too. They take there time now walking past my yard just looking at the dogs. You can almost hear what they are thinking "neener neener neener, you cant get me" Lucky still gives his low growl and Linus just prances around. My dogs are great. Its funny to watch them. The dogs love the kids too. I hate to have to put a shock collar on them, but its that or doggy jail and me with fines. I prefer to keep them here since we are all so attached to them and love them dearly. Just look at how cute they are!!! Oh p.s. the dogs did get mad at me for putting the shock collar on them... Linus peed on my pillow and Lucky peed on my rug... NOT so cute...